MAXX Commands & Function Keys
Here is a list of some of the MAXX commands and a short description of their function in order of most commonly used.
- F1 HELP Somewhat limited but helpful.
- F2 PRINT Use this before LIST, LIST1 or F5 and it will print in place of the screen display.
- F3 Repeats the last typed command.
- F4 Station selector. Notice the yellow block cursor next to the station numbers.
- F5 LIST Lists the program in Station 0 on the screen.
- F6 JOIN Copies the program in Station 0 to the Station selected with F4.
- F7 SKIP Used with logger (see logger section).
- F8 LOGGER Opens the Logger menu to create data files.
- F9 REFRESH Refreshes the BTMAXX screen if needed.
- F10 EXIT Closes the BTMAXX program.
- F11 RETEST Used with logger (see logger section).
- F12 ACCEPT Used with logger (see logger section).
- <Ctrl>F1 Opens the counters window for Station 1. Use F2 for station 2 etc. F1 Sends a "Start Test" to the tester.
- <Alt>F3 Moves the printer to the top of the next page.
- <Alt>F4 Generates a lookup table for the true order of wafers. Call for more on this.
- <Alt>F5 Generates a scanner pattern lookup file for use with FEC Scan500 of scanners.
- <Alt>F9 Displays current release date of software plus some useful info related to the software.
- <Alt>F12 Changes Data viewing area to full screen for large tests. Toggle off with <alt> F12 plus two F9's to clear screen.