Using MAXX
This page does not cover programming, which is covered elsewhere in this manual. It does cover the daily operation of the tester using programs that are pre-written and stored on the hard disk.
- Starting MAXX
- Using HELP
- Loading standard PROGRAMS
- Joining them to stations
- List or print the programs
- Reset the counters
- List or print the counters
- Start or stop the tester
- View or print the readings
There is also discussion of program titles, the parts counter and the included printer.
Data-logging to disk is an advanced subject covered in another chapter.
STARTUP The main power switch on the tester's "operating supply" should be on when you start MAXX. If not, you will get an error message when MAXX starts. Other power switches on the tester could be off, however they should be turned on before starting to test. FEC sets up your computer's autoexec.bat file to automatically start MAXX on powerup. If you have left MAXX for any reason and wish to restart it without turning off or rebooting the computer, you should do the following:
Be sure you are in the subdirectory \MAXX. You can use the DOS command CD\MAXX to be sure. Then enter the command MAXX.
USING HELP You may want to try the HELP command. Press <F1> or enter HELP. You can browse through the help screens then return to the main program with <ESC>.
LOADING USER PROGRAMS The command for loading "standard" user PROGRAMS (there are other types) is LOAD. Use it like this: LOAD <program> where <program> is the filename of the test program.
STATION O is the "staging area" where programs are loaded or edited before being "JOINed" to a test station. If the program you requested is found, it will be loaded to STATION O and its TITLE will be displayed there. NOTE: Please remember that the program TITLE (up to 16 characters) is not necessarily the same as its "filename" (which must conform to DOS standards). If you don't remember the exact filename of the program you want to load, you can use "wild cards" in a manner similar to their use in FreeDOS.
For example you may have several versions of 1N4148 programs. If you enter LOAD 1N4148*.* then MAXX will load the first program found that starts with 1N4148. If that is not the one you want, then enter LOAD again with no filename. This will then load the next match found. You can repeat this process until MAXX reports nor more matches found.
A shortcut for repeating any command (such as LOAD) is <F3> <ENTER>. <F3> retypes the most recent command. This process will work very fast if your PROGRAMS directory is sorted alphabetically. FreeDOS has a utility to do the sorting. It is part of DEFRAG.
JOINING PROGRAMS TO STATIONS Once you have a program in STATION 0 you can JOIN it to any one or more of the test stations. Use the <F4> key to highlight the desired station, then use the <F6> key to copy the program to that station. MAXX will confirm that the transfer has been done. Notice also that the name of the program will appear beside the station joined.
VIEW THE PROGRAM(S) You can list the program in STATION 0 on the screen with <F5>. If you want the program to be printed, press <F2> then <F5>. You can also view or print the programs already joined to stations. You use the LIST command to do this. For example, to list or print the program in station 2: LIST 2 or PRINT LIST 2 or <F2> LIST2
MAXX maintains a set of counters for the parts tested by each station and the parts in each bin sort. You should probably set these counters back to zero when you start a new lot. To do this enter:
RESET n where n is the number of the station to be zeroed. MAXX will ask for confirmation before going ahead and clearing the counters.
To see the counters or print them at any time, enter:
COUNTERS n or <F2> COUNTERS n will print them.
When you first start MAXX you will note the word OFF beside each station number on the screen. When a station is OFF it will ignore any START TEST signal from the handler or manual station. You can turn the stations on or off individually or all together. The commands START and STOP affect all stations, but you can enter: START 3 for example to start just station 3, or STOP 2 to stop just station 2.
You can monitor the readings produced by the tester on the screen or on the printer or both at the same time. It doesn't matter whether the screen and printer are monitoring the same station or different stations. You could enter:
WATCH 1 PLOG 3 for example. Station 1 would be monitored on the screen and station 3 on the printer.
To turn off the monitoring, use the same command with a zero or with no number.
WATCHWATCH 1 command; you could use WATCH 0 also.
WATCH 0 PLOG 0 This turns both off, but you must use the zeroes.
You should know that the tester runs significantly faster with WATCH and PLOG off.
If you start the printer with the printhead at the top of a page (allowing for a top margin), MAXX will not print on the perforations. It will skip perforations and do form feeds at appropriate times to separate the various reports that you may print.
If MAXX should somehow lose its place, you should reset the printer and then also reset MAXX to the top of the page by pressing <Alt> <F3>.